Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Future of the Human Race...

lies in the past.  You see, this is not the first human race.  It is not the first earth.  And it's not even the first universe.  God has created and destroyed, and recreated the universe over and over again.  This era of the universe is reaching an end. 

Morality is at an all time low, Christianity is dead, Jews are openly laughed at.  The prevailing dharma of this era was judeochristianity, and it is reaching it's end.  So what do we have to look forward to?

I hope that there is some truth to the Messiah concept of the Jews.  And we all know by now that Jesus was not the Messiah.  He failed and died, and the God of Israel, the Creator, does not send a losing king.  He sends a winner.

It seems we cannot trust a charismatic leader, they've all failed so far.  Each world religion promises peace, yet none have delivered.  And political leaders are worse than ordinary men, not better.  Look at Donald Trump.  I'd trust a 15 year old black boy with my wallet before I trust him.

All religions, all leaders, all political systems have failed.  It says in Job 33 'God is far greater than mortal man'.

I'm not a prognosticator nor a prophet, so I don't know what is coming.  I don't know the future.  And I don't believe in Moschiach, Jesus, the Mahdi, Matreya Buddha, nor Kalkin, nor anything else religion and mythology can dream up.  And I know how at our hearts, we are all corrupt children.

All I know is I have done my sentence, but committed no crime.  I've done nothing wrong, no harm to anyone and yet I suffer.  It's as if the universe is unfair.

All I can do is learn to wisen up, to grow more content with what I already have, and not fantasize about what hollywood promises me.  Fancy cars, houses, trophy women, fame, honor, respect, wealth, jobs, careers, are all vanity.  All I possess is this human frame (and I must say I am handsome!) and my few things I use on a daily basis.  And that is enough.

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